Tuesday, March 17, 2020

buy custom Treatment for Tinea Versicolor essay

buy custom Treatment for Tinea Versicolor essay Tinae versicolor is a relapsing fungal skin disease caused by the Malessezia furfur. It affects the adolescents mostly with a high prevalence rate in the young g adults than the elderly. It is characterized by small patches in the skin around the chin chest and neck. The spots can change color to lighter or darker relative to the patient. The fungal that causes tinae versicolor is already a common organism in the skin surface of normal adults and it thrives in the humid environment. The infection is however not contagious. The infection is said to opportunistic and its occurrence is triggered by hormonal or immune system of the individual patient other than the external factors.Treatment Treatment of the tinea versicolor is more dependent on the color of the patches on the skin of patients. Although the lighter patches take averagely long period of time to completely heal but they dont leave any permanents marks on the skin .the darker spots get removed slightly faster. Although there are several options for treatment of the infection but the first one to be opted for is the application of topical cream on the affected skin area, or on the patches. The topical solutions in the cream contain antifungal agents applied directly to the patches of the infected skin area. The most popular creams that have been tested and their efficiency found to be working include: terbinafine, ketoconazole also called selsum blue, clotrimoxazole and miconazole.these agents take up to weeks to cure the patches. In cases where the area to be applied is too big the medical doctor prefer administering the intra venous injection of the anti-fungal element into the blood system. Terbanifine is treatment of choice based on the fact that clinical trials on the fungal elements on the hair of cats and its distribution in the plasma and hair where it has proved efficiency(Kresken, 2002). The reliability and productivity of the drug has proved the drug to effective and it has a low detection dose. Buy custom Treatment for Tinea Versicolor essay

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Why Some Conservatives Oppose Gay Marriage

Why Some Conservatives Oppose Gay Marriage While some conservatives oppose gay marriage, others do not. For conservatives who do oppose it, the issue has less to do with homophobia and more to do with protecting the Judeo-Christian view of marriage. Social Conservatives and Wedge Issues While it is true that social conservatives have been on the front lines of wedge issues, not all conservatives are as deeply passionate about them as others. In fact, a large portion of the conservative movement- fiscal conservatives and crunchy conservatives, for example- may find themselves disagreeing with social conservatives on issues like gay marriage. Nevertheless, simply identifying as a conservative is enough to earn the vitriol and condemnation of the LGBT movement. Opposition to Gay Marriage vs. Homophobia Most gay rights advocates voice opinions of their own. Conservatives are motivated by homophobia [or hate], they say. Conservatives use their religion as a way to oppose gay marriage, others opine. Still, others believe that conservatives dont harbor the same hatred for divorced people, vandals, or other sinners. They have a special hatred for gays and lesbians. Comments like these force even those who have no particular sentiment either way to take up sides and defend their loosely-held convictions (whether they lean to the right or the left on this issue). I dont support gay marriage is not the same as I hate gays, and those on the left are frequently too blinded by their advocacy to recognize it. Those that do simply refuse to acknowledge it. Not everyone who opposes gay marriage is a homophobe, and not everyone who opposes gay marriage hates people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. By branding the religious end of an entire conservative movement as hateful, the people making such remarks come off as hateful of conservatives. It boils the issue down to one or the other, without considering those in between. Marriage As a Sacred Symbol For many people (not just religious conservatives), marriage is a sacred symbol of heterosexual love and commitment. Seeing it changed in such a profound way would be like the National Rifle Association suddenly claiming the rainbow flag as its symbol. Just as this would change the meaning of the flag in a way that is unpleasant to the LGBT community, so too would gay marriage change the meaning of marriage to a large part of the married community. Separation of Church and State? There is a common misconception among those on the left that the Constitution mandates a clear separation of church and state, yet that language is nowhere to be found in the document. The phrase was taken from a letter by Thomas Jefferson and bound into law by an activist Supreme Court in 1878. The Constitution deals with the issue of religion via the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. In the former case, Congress cannot pass laws based on religious principles and in the latter, the government cannot keep people from practicing their religion. National recognition of gay marriage is believed by many conservatives to be an example of government interfering with their right to practice their religion. They see it as akin to the government changing a basic tenet of their religion, not unlike forcing Orthodox Jews to eat pork or forcing Catholics to use something other than water in their baptisms. It reduces the covenant of marriage to a bureaucratic rubber stamp and also bastardizes the holiness of it. Recognition of Civil Unions vs. Marriage As it relates to the federal government, the trouble begins with how marriage is treated. There are very few mainstream or common-sense conservatives who will argue that a gay persons life-partner shouldnt be afforded the same rights as a married persons spouse, especially in instances where one of the parties is ill. The trouble with existing federal law is that it recognizes the institution of marriage, which is a holy, religious practice. While atheists will argue marriage is a legal covenant, most conservatives (and even many liberals) will concede that it is an act of religion. Most mainstream conservatives believe that civil unions would be a better way for the federal government to bestow benefits on couples. State vs. Federal While there are many conservatives who believe the institution of marriage should be defended as a covenant between a man and a woman, many more believe that the federal government shouldnt be dealing with the subject at all. Its a matter of jurisdiction. A large majority of conservatives believe the gay marriage issue is a states rights issue since there is no explicit language regarding the subject in the Constitution. According to the Tenth Amendment (Article X of the Bill of Rights), The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. If it were a matter of the states, there undoubtedly would be states in the U.S. that would permit gay marriage and others that wouldnt. For the majority of conservatives, this is fine as long as the voters of these states are the ones making the decisions (not the lawmakers). The Bottom Line For most mainstream conservatives, gay marriage isnt the issue it is for social conservatives. While there is a crossover for many on the right, political conservatism is less about wedge issues and more about limiting the size and scope of government, building a strong national defense and enabling the freedom of enterprise. Many conservatives who took a states right stance have put the issue on the back-burner since the Supreme Court decisions legalizing gay marriage and prohibiting state restrictions and bans.